The Transfiguration Teaches How God Thinks

Second Sunday of Lent- B Every Lent, the Church includes the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus. The story is documented in each of the synoptic Gospels because of its importance. A general rule of thumb is that any story included in more than one Gospel is a message that should be listened to well. … Continue reading The Transfiguration Teaches How God Thinks

From the Desert of Sin to the Mountaintop of Glory

Second Sunday of Lent -AThis second stop of our Lenten journey is a little more pleasant than our first.  The desert of a week ago is an uncomfortable place to be.  Though we were with our Jesus, we were also with the devil– the devil and all his temptations.  “Turn this bread into stone. . … Continue reading From the Desert of Sin to the Mountaintop of Glory